Extra Credit Reading Notes: Crash Course Myth (Ancient Mediterranean)

"Pantheons of the Ancient Mediterranean"
  • Pantheons: families of Gods
    • Gods: personified projections of the human mythmaker's dreams of overcoming the inevitable effects of the physical laws that require death and disintegration"
      • Bring + sustain life 
    • Explain how + the world came to be 
    • Representative of ancient societies 
    • Many sources are fragmented 
    • Family relationships are crazy complicated 
    • Often necrocentric 
      • Particularly apparent in Egyptian culture 
"The Greeks and Romans - Pantheons" 
  • Pantheon: all the Gods (literal translation)
    • Gods: divine, immortal beings, usually created out of the sexual union between other immortal beings, or sometimes our of some unorthodox nativity 
    • Demigods: minor-deities or the offspring of gods and mortals 
      • Usually have special powers 
      • Sometimes can be raised to divine status 
    • Heros: exalted mortals
      • Can die, but can perform special feats on earth 
      • Sometimes the offspring of a god and a human 
"Herakles. Or Hercules. A Problematic Hero"
  • Tricks Atlas into holding the sky up forever
  • Born of Zeus and a mortal queen (without her consent)
    • Hera tried to kill him when he was a baby 
  • Marries a princess 
    • Goes crazy, burning his children and nephews alive 
  • Changes his name to Herakles to appease Hera 
  • Undertakes 10 (turned 12) labors 

Hercules from Michel wal (source: Wikimedia).


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