Extra Credit Reading Notes: Beowulf
Notes for The Story of Beowulf by Strafford Riggs
"King Hygelac of Geatsland"
- Geatland
- Country in present-day Europe
- Harsh
- Mountains
- Valleys
- Forests
- Full of beasts
- War country
- People try to steal their cattle and burn grain
- Caves on coast
- Inhabited by monsters
- Hygelac
- King
- Fights alongside his people
- Hygd
- Queen
- Wise
- Fair
- Lords
- Valiant warriors
- Tall
- Blonde-haired
- Blue-eyed
- Strong as 10 men each
- Helmets with bull horns or raven wings
- Everyone loves hanging out together and hearing tales of victory from one another
"Beowulf's Resolve"
- Beowulf
- Under some sort of trance
- Breathing rapidly
- Light in eyes
- Swollen neck
- Confusing thoughts
- Has the strength of 30 men
- Wants to slay the monster Grendel
- "Lords of Geatsland and earls of Hygelac," he shouted as the minstrel finished the song, "I am the son of Ecgtheow and of Hygelac's sister, and in olden times this Hrothgar was a war-brother of my father. Therefore I claim kinship to him, and I will go to the land of the Danes and serve their king. I will slay this Grendel!"
- Everyone is shocked
- The king and queen give him their blessings
Derivative work: cropped from File:BryanVikings.jpg & File:Capelookout from Oceanside - Oregon.JPG from Justin6898 and M.O. Stevens (source: Wikimedia).
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