Week 8 Comments and Feedback

 1. I think the comments I've been receiving have been both constructive and kind. The one's in which they tell me what they think my story is missing or could benefit from have been the most helpful. 

2. I think my best strategy is essentially the WWW feedback strategy. I tell people what I like about their stories, ask any questions I may have, and make a suggestion or two. Everyone has had great ideas, so reading other people's work has helped me improve my own. 

3. I feel like I'm connecting with people on the introduction posts. It's neat when you can relate to people regarding their favorite things or hobbies! I'm also happy with my own introduction post. 

4. I think the feedback assignments are fine as they are. At the moment, I don't want to make any changes to my comment wall or introduction.

5. I like this image because I could definitely become a better listener! I think this would be especially helpful for this class because good listeners can provide more useful feedback. 

Sketchnote is by Tanmay Vora: Leadership and The Art of Effective Listening (source: Blogspot).


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