Reading Notes: Congo, Part A
Notes for Folklore of the Fjort stories, collected by R. E. Dennett
"How Nsassi (Gazelle) Got Married"
- Nenpetro
- Man with 2 wives who each had a daughter
- Rich
- Would not take a present for daughters' hands in marriage but would allow whoever figured out their names to marry them
- Lunga
- Lenga
- Antelope
- Offers valuables
- Does not know their names
- Nsassi
- Well-known prince of a faraway town
- His dog
- Feels sorry for him when he does not know their names
- Hears their names and tries to tell his master
- Catches a wild kitten for food
- Forgets names
- Returns to Nenpetro's home
- Hears names again but forgets them when he drinks from a stream on his way back to his master
- Returns again to Nenpetro's home
- Remembers names on his journey home
- Will not tell Nsassi the names unless he is paid
- Nsassi gives the dog a pig, then learns their names
- Journies back to tell Nenpetro the names
- Forgets names when he drinks from a stream
- The dog learns them again, and they both go back, finally telling Nenpetro the names and claiming the daughters as wives
- Antelope declares war, and Nsassi kills and eats him
A Gazelle in Profile, Moving Toward the Right from the Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 (source: Wikimedia)
"The Younger Brother Who Knew More Than the Elder"
- Two brothers live in a certain town
- They cannot agree with one another
- The younger brother says he knows more than, the older brother
- Makes the older brother mad
- Younger brother
- Leaves town with his wife when angered by the older brother
- They wander far away to a wood with a stream
- They drink from the stream and wade across it
- They hear strange voices
- The wife is scared
- They see two or three huts
- Huts are inhabited by a man and his wife
- Man and wife
- Allow the younger brother and his wife to live with them after asking, "are you a bad man?"
- The group digs holes to catch animals after four days of doing nothing
- The man and wife eat only female animals
- The younger brother and wife eat only male animals
- They catch an ox, an antelope, a chimbibi, and a hog
- They do not share with the older couple
- The brother sends his wife to gather things for smoking the meat
- She does not return
- They find her in the trap
- The older man says she is fair game for him to eat
- The older brother finds them and throws the older man into the trap
- The old man knows he is now fair game and agrees to let the wife go
- Both brothers return home
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